Make Music Not War

NaturKultur e.V.
Hermann-Prüser-Str., Bremen, Germany
01.06.2023 - 31.08.2024

Youth exchange during April 2023 Make Music Not War: There is hope in this world of conflicts and young people believe they can create a brighter future. Their message is clear – drop off weapons and take on an instrument or use your voice to urge for peace. 50 youngsters from countries affected by conflicts among which Israel and Palestine, Serbia and Kosovo, Bosnia and Croatia and Poland and Germany occupied  our lovely KulturHaus from 4th till 14th April 2023 and here is where this story began. Once strong bonds were created, the magic happened – in only one week these amazing young people squeezed out their creativity in four different international bands and made the PEACE ALBUM in an improvised music studio!.


Volunteers Centre Skopje, Nord Mazedonien
Hellenic Youth Participation, Griechenland
Ocean Znanja u RH, Kroatien
Moby Dick, Italien
Youth Centre Breclav, Tschechien

Telefon: +49 176 2052 2413